Stellar Astrology Schools of India
Here you would find the names and details of various stellar astrology schools of India which teach stellar astrology such as KP system, 4 Step Theory, 3 and Half Step Theory, Cuspal Interlinks etc. in India through classroom teaching mode. Click on each name to be redirected to the main website.
JASA is offering these information in a single location so that all interested learners can find the most reliable schools for their own learning needs.
Universal College of Astrology Trust
Office: 1-1-336/95, Viveknagar,
Hyderabad - 500020.
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Email: chiranjeevips@gmail.com
127, Meera Enclave, Near park Hospital,
Outer ring road, New Delhi -110018
Phone: 91-9312210593
Email : umangtaneja@hotmail.com
To add your name of school FREE of cost on this page, please send all the details to bhagyaratnakolkata[at]gmail.com